Hey! 👋
My name is Joey Slomowitz and I am the developer of WabiTime.
Before I was building apps, I was travelling around the world and working as a fashion model. Can you believe it?

I spent a lot of time in Asia, and I spent over 4 years in New York City.
In New York, I met some friends who worked in tech. I very quickly became interested too, and soon decided to learn programming.

Learning to code was not an easy task because I came from a non-technical background. In order to progress quickly, I needed to motivate myself to practice every day and put in a minimum number of hours.
The solution I found, was working with timers. I started using them to keep myself productive.
I soon started thinking, I could learn anything I wanted. It just took persistence, and putting the time into it.

I tried using all sorts of timers, but I just couldn't find one that I really liked. I knew that I had to build my own. So I began working on WabiTime.

WabiTime has been in the Mac App Store since 2018, and currently has around 7,000 monthly active users. Over the years, I've continued keeping the core features of the app totally free, whilst building out an experience driven by the users.
Every bit of user feedback I've collected through reviews, surveys and direct emails has made WabiTime what it is today.

I wish everyone could experience the feeling of unlocking one's potential by maximising focus.
In the near future, I'm hoping WabiTime can become even more useful to people, everywhere.
A lot of the app will remain totally free - forever. Some of it will require a subscription. This is important to be able to sustain the development of WabiTime.
Although, if you would like to support the app, please make a donation.
Any amount is helpful.
If you've read this far, thank you.
I hope that in some small way, you too have found WabiTime useful.
- Joey

In loving memory of Brandy, my best friend...
and the co-founder of WabiTime.